Financial Wellness And A Side Of Vulnerability.
Amy Esp Amy Esp

Financial Wellness And A Side Of Vulnerability.

As we continue to explore the value of clarity, one of the things that has been on my mind over the past 18 months is my own financial health. Between 2020 and 2023 I dealt with some big, hard, expensive things in my personal life, while scaling my business on the professional side. The amount of mental and emotional energy going into the challenges in my personal life took all of my bandwidth. I was just head down, keep pushing forward. Scaling the business took a lot of financial resources as I built in anticipation of the clients that would come. And I was learning how to translate everything that had relied just on me into the hands and brains of my team. I didn’t do it well at first and there were a lot of fits and starts.

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Reflection + Planning
Amy Esp Amy Esp

Reflection + Planning

I love living in a place with seasons.

I can't imagine living somewhere that's always tropical and sunny no matter what the season. When the days get short and cold, I appreciate the natural rhythm of a little bit of slowing down and hibernation. This year especially, I've become a little bit of a winter hermit. Bundled under my blankets reading my book or working.

I also appreciate that this time of year gives me space to contemplate the past year and look forward to the next year. I have a variety of different New Year exercises that I like to do as part of this process. Some of them involve reflecting on the previous year and the successes and failures of that year. Other pieces are forward-looking, with intentions and goal setting.

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Stuff I’m Focusing on in 2025.
Angela Hall Angela Hall

Stuff I’m Focusing on in 2025.

This time of year is always a time for reflection and an opportunity to adjust your mindset for the upcoming year. Resolutions are soooo last year (and generally make you feel bad if you fall short). Resolutions are more about “fixing” your perceived failures and not about building a better life. Instead, I’m calling this a…shift in focus, and I’ll be concentrating on habits and mindsets that make me feel better in all aspects of my life.

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Give Yourself This Gift.
Angela Hall Angela Hall

Give Yourself This Gift.

Recently, the whole Missoula Bookkeeper team sat down to talk about our own successes and failures for the podcast. As we were talking beforehand, we all came up with a dump truck of things we felt we could have done better and projects we didn’t complete. Budgets not met, pounds not lost, deadlines long passed without payoff…and then something interesting happened.

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A couple small changes made a BIG impact on my health and wallet.
Angela Hall Angela Hall

A couple small changes made a BIG impact on my health and wallet.

It’s not often that I toot my own horn, but here goes: I made a shift in my personal life and won pretty big.

I had considered myself to be a reasonably healthy eater. I have my splurges, but for the most part I was conscious about making “good” choices most of the time. To some extent, I was right but here’s the thing:

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