Beyond the Books: Looking past the financials and into the new year.

There are a lot of financial things to think about at the end of the year: bookkeeping, tax filing structure, bonuses, inventory, etc. But what's beyond the financials? What else can you do to tie a ribbon on the year & start fresh? Here are a few suggestions to save yourself stress in the new year:

Systems–Did the policies, procedures & software you used this year serve you well? Are you using them to their full potential or are they costing you more than they are worth? If there are adjustments to be made, add it to your to do list.

Accomplishments–What milestones have you hit this year that you are especially proud of? What goals did you achieve? Take a moment to write them down & admire the hard work you did to get there. We tend to get caught up in the things we DIDN’T do & it’s really important to look at all the ways we are really knocking it out of the park!

Goals–What do you want to accomplish in 2023? Expand your social media? Hire more employees? Whatever it is, write it down & put it somewhere you can see it regularly. They don’t have to be giant things either! Anything that makes your business better or takes stress out of your day can be a goal!

Website–How long has it been since you made updates to your website? Are the pictures and information on it still accurate and relevant? Have you made significant changes to your business since you last made adjustments? It may be time to put a website refresh on your to do list.

Social media presence update–Similarly, it’s a good idea to look at your social media & assess its effectiveness. Is the contact information, links & hours accurate? Does your social media strategy reflect your goals and values? Maybe it’s time for an overhaul! Email if you need help!

Like it or not, 2022 is on its way out. Take some time to look beyond the financial aspects and assess where you are and where you would like to be.

What’s your goal for 2023? Personal or professional–drop it in the comments!


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