Cutting Down on Junk Mail

I am always disappointed when I open my mailbox, it seems like all I get is junk. Not only is it terrible for the environment, it creates unnecessary clutter in my life and on my desk. Here are a couple ways you can cut down on the crap and simplify your life.

If you have online banking access, you should be able to see bank statements going back a year. If you don’t use online banking, or if it doesn't go back as far as you'd like, your bank will email you a PDF of statements going back up to 7 years or more! Unless you regularly reference your statement or you are closing out the account, there isn’t a reason to get that statement in the mail each month. Some banks even charge for mailing a statement, so why not save that $5 and declutter at the same time?

Kick junk mail to the curb. There are two ways to slow the onslaught of junk mail. First go to and opt out of marketing mail. This costs $2 and is valid for 10 years. Next go to and opt out of pre-approved credit card offers. This is a free service of the credit bureaus.

These are a couple very fast and easy ways to cut down on all the extra garbage clogging your mailbox. The planet and your postal worker's back will thank you as well!


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