Crafting The Perfect Elevator Pitch.
You know that ice breaker exercise where they say "let's go around the room and tell everyone something about ourselves" and you draw an absolute blank? Of course, you are an amazing and interesting person with a thousand things to say, but when you're put on the spot you feel like an absolute dummy? Yeah, me too. So here's the thing: the time will come when you are standing in front of a potential client (or business ally) and you only have a moment to get them on board You, my friend, need to have an "elevator pitch". Your elevator pitch is a quick way to communicate what your business is all about and gets people excited about what you do. Here are some crucial elements:
Your goals and skills-- Do you have special training or knowledge that makes you stand out? What made you go into this business in the first place? What makes you passionate about what you do?
Call to action-- Ask them to follow you on social media, check out your website, or stop by your store. You have something great, ask them to get involved.
What makes you magic--Your magic is the reason your customer chooses you over another business. Is your product handcrafted, locally sourced, eco friendly or benefits a charity or underserved population? What problem does your product or service solve? That's the magic!!
Be yourself--This shouldn't feel like a sales pitch! You have something special to offer, so be your authentic self and your passion will shine through!
Don't forget to:
Carry your business card
Practice, practice, practice
Keep it short and dynamic
NETWORKING TIME! Share your elevator pitch in the comments!