Dear COVID, I hate you. Sincerely, Everyone. (1).jpg

I don't remember the last time I had a conversation that didn't have a passing reference to COVID. Like it or not, this is part of the new normal. There is pretty much no aspect of life that hasn't been impacted in some way, and while your dog may be SUPER appreciative of the extra time you're spending at home, the rest of your life has probably taken a hit. We took an informal poll and here are some of the more creative ways that COVID has basically F'ed up our lives.

  1. Dating difficulties-- All politics aside, masks are inconvenient. Mask requirements have made it super difficult to know if the supposed hottie in the produce department is cute or not. What does he have going on under that mask? What if he has candy corn teeth or excessive nose hair? These are not chances we are willing to take.

  2. Germs, galore--You know when you leave a public bathroom and you've just washed your hands and you can't figure out how to get out without touching the nasty door handle? Multiply that times...EVERY SITUATION EVER.

  3. Play it cool--You're in public and you take a sip of water. It goes down a little wrong. DON'T COUGH. DO. NOT. COUGH. People will think you have the 'rona and chase you with torches and set you on fire like a witch in Salem.

  4. But seriously--The kids are doing school virtually, which is like when you used to do math at the kitchen table with your Dad, but for EVERY MOMENT OF SCHOOL FOR INFINITY. There's no crying in baseball, but there's definitely crying in math. You're doing great, kids and beloved gownups. We are so proud of you.

  5. She works hard for the money--If she still has a job...or a business...or any customers at all to limp into the next quarter.

  6. Less time with your tribe-- I am firmly in the middle between extrovert and introvert and my introverted side is fat and happy. My extroverted side, however is guant. Prior to the pandemic we were hosting house concerts and comedy in our living room a few times a month and out on the town regularly checking out art openings, local music and cocktails. I miss you all! Five minute hugs all around!


Dear Self,


How do I tell my customers about a price increase?