Big reasons small business owners don’t hire a bookkeeper: FINANCIAL EMBARRASSMENT.

One surprising aspect about being a bookkeeper is that shame and embarrassment are a regular point of conversation with potential (and sometimes even current) clients. We definitely find ourselves slipping into the role of counselor and advisor in a real and intimate way for clients and "might become" clients. When you dig deeper, the embarrassment makes sense because we all hold a lot of weird feelings around money and budgets and financial topics in general. It’s common to feel like there’s a competition for success that you are somehow losing because you haven’t hit the same milestones at the same rate your parents or grandparents did. Sometimes it may seem like all of your peers are “doing better” financially than you are–less debt, more savings, better planning.

When we sit down with a client, there is often stammering, blushing, a rush of excuses and explanations. But here's the thing...we have absolutely zero judgment for your current or past financial choices, organization (or lack of), spending habits or the priorities for your time and money. Honestly. We know everything isn't perfect. If you had all your shit together, you probably wouldn't be calling us. Here are two miraculous facts we know for SURE:

Things are absolutely not as bad as you think they are. Guaranteed.

You are a rockstar at the tasks that are the heart of your business and bookkeeping is not where your limited energy should be going.

Finding the right person to help you now means that you are headed in the right direction. Bought new jeans on your business card? No problem, we'll just put that to a draw (btw, your ass looks great in them). Still paying your internet bill on your personal credit card? Send us the latest bill and we'll get that recorded correctly. We will talk about how to do things in a way that makes the most sense, saves time, and make a plan TOGETHER. No lecture, no shame, no guilt, no judgment. Priority one is helping you have the guidance and information you need to make sound financial choices for your business.

So let go of your excuses and tell your money shame to take the day off. We are scheduling now for Fall consults. Click here to get started! Let’s put aside the guilt and make a plan that gets you on track!

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Big reasons small business owners don’t hire a bookkeeper: THE COMMITMENT.


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