Checking your credit score is one of those things most of us know we SHOULD do, but we don’t really know why. It’s also one of those little tasks that is really easy to forget about or push to the side. Experts recommend you check your credit report at least once a year and more often if you have a lot of accounts. There are a few really good reasons you should be checking your credit report regularly (and one you may not have thought about):
Verify accuracy
Check to make sure your name, address, phone number and other information is accurate and up to date. This is the stuff creditors use to report your payments, so if it’s not right, you may not be getting points you deserve for paying on time.
Dispute errors
Accounts listed multiple times, incorrect balances, or closed accounts still being listed as open are just some of the errors people often find by checking their report regularly.
Detect fraud
Inquiries you didn't authorize or fraudulent accounts can really tank your credit score. Check regularly to make sure you haven’t been a victim of identity theft.
Be prepared for major purchases
If you anticipate making a major purchase like a car or a home, or taking out a loan for something else, you should check your credit report at least three months beforehand for two reasons: first of all, to prepare you for what kind of interest rate you may qualify for and second, to give you an opportunity to correct any of the above issues before it’s time to qualify.
Checking your credit report regularly is like getting a regular physical at the doctor’s office. It’s so much easier to find and treat problems BEFORE they get out of hand. Go to the link in our bio to get your free credit report from the three main credit bureaus and stay on top of your credit health.
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