You can’t help getting older, but you can make it easier.

If you have kids, you know how much work it is to take care of them physically & emotionally. You are probably so focused on getting them to adulthood (and beyond) that you haven’t even considered what life will look like as your roles shift & they start to “take care” of you. it’s never too soon to think about the ways you can prepare. The transition will be difficult, but here are some things to think about to help you (& your kids) navigate that time as easily as possible:

Plan for retirement Review your spending habits to get a feel for how much money you need to support your lifestyle. Then develop a plan to build wealth & support your needs when your ability to work diminishes. Review your plan annually to keep up with changes to your life & the economy. Find a professional here

Take care of your physical health Taking care of your health doesn’t just help you live longer, it adds quality to your years & can help minimize the amount of support you need as you age.

Get your papers in order A lot of stress & conflict for your loved ones can be mitigated by getting your will, power of attorney and financials in order ahead of time. Being very clear about your wishes & discussing it with your loved ones saves a lot of decisions for them at a time that will be incredibly difficult.

Keep an open mind Staying open to new ideas & experiences keeps you young. Maintaining a full life & healthy relationships will give your kids peace of mind so they don’t feel responsible for your emotional well-being.

Consider the long term As you age, will your home become a burden? Will it become harder to maintain & navigate? Do you live far away from your loved ones, making caring for you more difficult & expensive? Long term, it may make sense to move / downsize to make those transitions smoother.

It’s uncomfortable to think about aging & what the end of your life will look like, but the time will definitely come. Making decisions NOW, while you have time to weigh options gives you a lot more freedom to make choices that will better serve you & your family.


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