Don’t Skip The Things That Make Your Heart Happy.
Every day we have to make lame decisions in the interest of being responsible. We get the generic brand, we drive our cars longer than we want to, we scale back on travel. While watching out for the bottom line is admirable, there are some things in life that you just can't pass on, even if it's for no practical reason. Pass the side of guac (even if it’s extra) and enjoy this list of things I will always invest my time and money in:
Naps (especially on a rainy day)
A great meal with a friend
Flowers in an especially beautiful color
An airport cocktail (it’s overpriced, it’s 6 a.m. and I don’t care)
Birthday donuts
Family dance party in the living room
Another strand of twinkle lights
All the plants
I hate the phrase, “guilty pleasure”. Why should you ever be guilty about the little things that make you happy? Do us a favor and celebrate today with something that makes your heart sing, whatever it is. You only have one precious life, make it great.
We want to know what’s on your list. What is something you invest your time and money into just because it makes you happy? Please let us know in the comments!
#simplepleasures #happy #smile #celebrate #heart #instasmiles #smileface #watermelon