MARKETING MONDAY: What does “ideal client” mean?

So, your ideal client is any client that wants to give you money, right? Actually, notsomuch. While any business is good business, there are certainly ideal clients that will make up the target audience of your marketing efforts and bring the consistent income and referrals you need to succeed.

To determine who your ideal client is, let's back up just a little bit and talk about values. At the heart of your business is your mission. Your reason for being. The things that really matter to you beyond dollars and cents. Perhaps it's the environment, gender equality or the betterment of your community. These are the core ideals you consider when you decide what products and services to offer, what groups you donate time and money to and perhaps even more importantly--what you DO NOT choose to invest in.

Your ideal client is someone who holds these ideals near and dear as well. Your products, your message will resonate loud and clear with these individuals. When crafting your message for social media or other marketing efforts, think about your core values and say it proudly and with your whole chest. Anyone who isn't in line with your values will do business elsewhere, and you know what? THAT IS OKAY. Because you will find greater and more fulfilling success serving people who think like you do. You aren't for everyone, and that is your superpower.

Do you want to have a more authentic and cohesive social media presence and you aren't sure where to start? We can help with that! Visit to schedule a FREE social media management consult!


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