Identifying your goals and mapping out a plan for success.
"A goal without a plan is just a wish"
The most successful people on earth all have one thing in common: they set goals and see them through. Goal setting is a great way to consciously manage your time and resources in a way that promotes growth and progress. Since the most important step in goal setting is writing it down, we have developed a goal setting worksheet that you can download at the link in our bio! As you dive in to achieving your goals, here are some things to keep in mind:
Identify your goal
Think critically about what areas you see for improvement. Are your social media / marketing efforts lackluster? Would you like to develop new services or products to offer your customers? Would you like to have better systems in place to optimize your workflow? Perhaps you want to develop a better work / life balance?
Start Small
We encourage you to start small to practice flexing your goal setting muscle. Once you get used to the process and see success, you will gain the confidence for bigger and longer term goals.
Use Positive Language
When you are writing down your plan for success, use positive language. Instead of words like "try" or "attempt", say things like "I will". Encouraging and positive self talk goes a long way.
Embrace discomfort
Not going to lie, parts of the process will be tough. Committing time to take the necessary steps will be difficult and you will be tempted to give up. Prepare yourself for those moments ahead of time, and commit to following through.
What goals do you have in mind for your personal life and business and how did you identify those goals? Let us know in the comments!