You’re a liar.

You're lying to yourself. More importantly, we are lying to each other.

We all have stories we tell about money. Some are positive, but some are flat-out lies that hold us back & limit our success. Here are a few that may be killing your bottom line:

The story of scarcity

There is only so much to go around & if you don’t get yours, someone else will. This story makes us mistrustful of other business owners who could be allies & partners, kills collaboration & innovation, & sends us into a tailspin when something doesn't work out.

If you develop a story of abundance around finances, you open yourself up to a world with less toxic competition & more generosity, less fear & more possibilities.

The story of passion over profit

Loving your work is a great foundation for your empire but you need to create an income that sustains your lifestyle, moves you toward goals & creates a freedom that can't be found in a W2 job. Clients stuck in this story tend to undervalue their time or products, spend year after year scraping by & eventually start to hate the thing that brought them joy.

The other side of this coin is not soul sucking greed, but profit that comes from your passion. If you feel like you are bringing a unique gift to the world, you should value the time & energy spent appropriately. Your business is a tool to make the world a better place & create self-fulfillment.

The story of bigger is better

Seeing social media success stories can make us unsatisfied with our own little corner of the business world. But what we don't see is the hard work, failures & stress that goes into building those brands.

Build the business you want, rather than what you think you need to keep up with the influencer of the hour. Want to create time for your kids & bring in a little income? Do that. Want to change the face of climate change one family at a time ? Do that. Want to be the next sensation with 1M followers & a book deal? By all means, fucking do that. Build your business to suit your life & your needs, not to keep up with whoever is trending.

Do you have a money story that you need to rewrite?


Recharge. Reconnect. Rediscover.


Getting Paid as a Small Business Owner.