When your small business runs short on resources, marketing is often one of the first things to go. For so many, it feels like a chore, so not much of an excuse is needed to just put it to the side. But the customer journey starts with a single click, so it’s important to keep your socials up and humming. Specifically, here are some social media corners you shouldn’t cut:
Figuring out your values.
All of your content, all of your marketing efforts, all of your charitable dollars, all of your EVERYTHING should be grounded in your core values. Take the time to really think about what matters to you and make sure everything reflects that.
Be yourself.
Authenticity is magic. Show your clients the real you–your wins and losses–and you will win hearts and dollars. It’s so hard to be vulnerable and put yourself out there, but the best customers for YOUR business will identify with you and your story will resonate loudly. Your mom was right, it's really always best to just be yourself.
Trying to do it all.
You got into business because there is something you love to do and you are damn good at it. Unfortunately, there’s a lot more to business than just that skill. When dealing with social media and marketing efforts interfere with your ability to teach yoga (or do custom printing, or be a therapist, or practice law, or run your non-profit, or…) then it’s time to ask for help. There is no shame in outsourcing, especially when it frees you up to put your time into your bread and butter.
Do you struggle with putting the time you should into your social media? Do you need help figuring out what to post, when to post, and how to tell if your efforts are working? Go here to schedule a free consult for social media management services. We can set up a customized package to give you just the right amount of help to fit your needs and budget
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