The Art of Delegation.
Angela Hall Angela Hall

The Art of Delegation.

We know some GREAT artists, yoga instructors, real estate agents, plumbers, consultants, lawyers and various entrepreneurs. You know what the secret to their success is? They put their whole heart into the aspect of their business they love, and they find a competent team to help them with the rest. Yep...if we've said it once, we have said it a million times--DELEGATION is the name of the game!

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It’s all about the team.
Angela Hall Angela Hall

It’s all about the team.

There's a lot of things I'm good at. I'm a great cook, an excellent trip planner, and whoooooo boy, get out of my way when its time to throw a party. But here's the flip side: I don't fix my own car, you won't see me cutting my own hair, and you'll never hear me talk about what a great job I did neutering my dog. I know my gifts, and one of them is delegation.

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