I’m Still Mad About the Turtleneck.

Controversial opinion: There is no such thing as "too old" to trick or treat. It's a harsh world, and if a kid wants to hang on to that last glimmer of childhood magic, we should let them. The same kinda goes for you. Sugar be damned. If you want to eat a pile of candy, go for it. If you want to go all out and put 10 or those giant skeletons on your lawn, please do (looking at you, Karla!). If it brings you joy to pass out full-size candy bars (a lifelong goal of mine that I will finally be fulfilling this year), KNOCK. YOURSELF. OUT. Consider this as a friendly financial reminder as well. It’s important to be responsible and plan and budget and be “good”, but damn it…have some fun. Life is for living.

And save me the Kit Kats.


Is my kid keeping their password safe?


Pros and Cons for giving kids and allowance.