Habits of Happy & Successful Entrepreneurs: Weekly Team Check-Ins
Checking in with your team is so important to the overall health and success of your business. Not only does it eliminate confusion and reduce the incidence of missed deadlines, it makes your team feel heard and valued. This is especially important when your team is partially or fully remote, or if you just don’t spend a ton of time in the same physical location.
At Missoula Bookkeeper, we check in weekly individually and as a team. Each of us tracks our clients and tasks and makes note of any questions or concerns. We have a standing appointment to meet and address any issues and update each other on our progress. This habit reduces the number of random, one-off emails and calls during the week and is a great way to touch base and build team morale.
Your weekly check-ins should accomplish the following:
Address administrative issues like systems updates, upcoming events and scheduling concerns.
Clarify questions or concerns with client work, and provide updates on progress
Clearly define responsibilities and expectations for next steps
Identify what’s working and what’s not for employer and employee as well as client feedback
It’s a great idea to take notes. Avoid abbreviations and get specific so you aren’t confused when you refer back to them.
Follow up with an email outlining what you discussed and what everyone’s action items are moving forward.
It’s time to make check-ins a habit! The time you spend investing in a foundation of communication and respect will come back to your business tenfold. You will save money on constant employee turnover, your employees become great advocates for your business in the community and your clients will benefit from and appreciate the well-oiled machine you become.
What strategies do you use to keep your team on the same page and build a strong dynamic?