If you want to achieve world domination, you have to have a routine.
I'm a creature of habit. I’ll eat the same lunch 5 days in a row. I re-wear the same 10 pieces of clothing. I’ve used the same brand of shampoo for a decade. Change is okay, but I'm much more productive when I stick to a plan. This quirk extends to my professional life. I have a definite routine when it comes to starting my day that eliminates surprises & leads to the most efficient use of my day:
Personal Finances-This may seem like a weird way to start, but my first stop is my own finances. I check my balances, make sure nothing weird has happened, & schedule any bills or transfers. It makes me feel more prepared & in control of my life, it puts me in a productive mindset.
Lists- I get two pieces of paper (one for personal, one for work). On the personal one, I list any tasks I need to complete that day (make dentist appointment, get groceries, etc). Later, if I think of something to add, I can jot it down without interrupting my momentum.
Check Calendar, email & notes-On the second piece of paper, I make note of the meetings, projects & deadlines for the day so I’m not caught off guard.
Prioritize-Highlight the top 3-5 priorities for the day so I can tackle the most important stuff first. Take breaks- Some tasks take more bandwidth than others & sometimes I just need to stand up and move or I’ll lose focus. Sometimes, I get in a groove and just go with it. Whatever works for you is fine, but don’t forget to give yourself some time to step away from business and reset.
Quitting time–I generally step away from my desk at the same time every day, unless something weird happens. I straighten up my area so I have a clean slate in the morning & move on to real life. Something I’m working on: remembering to actually shut my computer down occasionally so updates & stuff don’t interrupt productivity, but I’m working on it.
Depending on your industry & personality, this exact protocol might not work for you, but maybe you are inspired to build a routine for yourself so decision paralysis & disorganization don’t derail your attempts at success. What routines do you have built into your day to streamline your productivity? Let us know in the comments.