A Goal Without a Plan is Just a Wish

Now that we have you thinking about the new year and goal setting, you may be wondering what that looks like and where to start. Of course, we all want to grow and make our businesses more financially stable, but how to get there? What does growth mean to you? The obvious answer is more income, but there are other ways to measure that success. That may mean more clients, but it also may mean more services offered to the same number of clients. Alternatively, there is something to be said for the QUALITY of your clients. It may be worth considering culling clients that are high maintenance or low paying for clients that better fit your business philosophy and are less stressful.

Evolving your business in the new year may also mean working less but more efficiently or having a better work/life balance. To get here, you may need to hire help, steamline clients or raise your prices to match your worth.

Analyze your current situation and financials. What is working and what is failing? Where do you feel that you are in your sweet spot and where is there consistent friction or stagnation? In a perfect world what would your business and life balance look like? Get specific, write it down, and make a plan. Below are some strategies to get you moving in a better direction:

Are you truly charging what you are worth? Take a hard look at your pricing strategies. Talk to your bookeeper (*raises hand) about what can be done to track the cost of your goods and services so you aren't shortchanging yourself. Also, if you aren't already, spend the next month really tracking your time so you can get a realistic sense of how much time you are devoting on projects and clients.

Drowning in receipts and unpaid invoices? Develop a plan and schedule for tackling these tasks. A giant pile of paper to sort through or a stack of invoices you haven't been paid for is (and this is a technical term) SO YUCK. Give yourself the gift of never letting this get out of hand by planning ahead. Often, managing these tasks that are necessary but not revenue generating isn't the best use of your time. Finding an expert take that off your hands can be a game changer.

Ready to grow? Social Media is here to stay and can be HUGE in building your business. Set a goal to post consistently, even if it's just once a month. Not only will you gain more followers, but it helps your clients get to know who you are and what you stand for. Solidifying your "voice" will go a long way to gaining the trust of people you do business with.

Are you paying yourself regularly and predictably or are you just dipping into funds randomly? Build a strategy for prioritizing yourself in the bottom line, and you will feel much more comfortable when it's time to track your income and expenses and build funds for growth and emergencies.

Are you ready to add employees when the time comes? Building an employee handbook so expectations are clear is vital, and you don't want to be scrambling when the time comes. Being prepared saves you a lot of headaches when it comes to training and protects you from a legal standpoint. Additionally, getting procedures on paper will make the transition SO MUCH faster and less painful for all parties involved. Set everyone up for success!

Whatever goals you decide are right for you, write them down! Make a list or a vision board and post it where you can see it regularly. You will be amazed what you can accomplish when you commit.

What goals do you have for the new year and how do you plan on making it happen? Maybe you have a goal and need help figuring out how to put it into action? Email us at team@missoulabookkeeper.com and see what we can do to get you on track for your best year ever!

“What if today is the day everything changes?”


That Gives Me the Yucks: Creating Social Media Content


Get those ducks in a row!