That Gives Me the Yucks: Creating Social Media Content
This month, we are focusing on identifying goals for the new year and how to make that $h!t happen. Today, we are tacking social media, and if the thought of creating content and putting it out there gives you the heebie jeebies, you aren't alone.
Social Media is here to stay and can be HUGE in building your business. Here are a couple tips to get you headed in the right direction.
Set a goal to post consistently, even if it's just once a month. Set a schedule for when you want to post and stick to it. If you sit down and tackle creating content for several posts at once, you can get in a groove and knock it out so it doesn't feel so overwhelming.
Your clients want to know who you are and what you stand for. Solidifying your "voice" will go a long way to gaining the trust of people you do business with. It feels so yuck to talk about yourself, but you will gain the followers and clients that really fit with your values.
Don't be afraid to ask for help. Maybe social media and design isn't your bag, and that's fine. But don't ignore the power of social media. Find someone to outsource your content and free yourself up to do the work you really love.
Does the thought of creating content for your business give you the yucks? Do you actively avoid the task of posting on a regular basis because you don’t have time or don’t know what to say? Would you rather get a bikini wax with duct tape than deal with creating graphics and scheduling posts? WHOOOO BOY, are you in luck!
Email to schedule a (FREE) consult about outsourcing your social media needs.