Gimmie a break.
Angela Hall Angela Hall

Gimmie a break.

We are all guilty of it: you login to your computer and get to work and then the next thing you know the day is gone and you haven't stopped once. It's so easy to get lost in the day and overwhelmed by the metric ton of crap in your inbox that you forget (or more likely, AVOID) taking a break! Try a new habit: set a timer to go off at intervals that work for you and take five (or more) to reset. Here are some creative ways we like to blow off steam:

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The Art of Delegation.
Angela Hall Angela Hall

The Art of Delegation.

We know some GREAT artists, yoga instructors, real estate agents, plumbers, consultants, lawyers and various entrepreneurs. You know what the secret to their success is? They put their whole heart into the aspect of their business they love, and they find a competent team to help them with the rest. Yep...if we've said it once, we have said it a million times--DELEGATION is the name of the game!

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Unplug: How to set healthy boundaries and enjoy your real life.
Angela Hall Angela Hall

Unplug: How to set healthy boundaries and enjoy your real life.

This month, we are focusing on work-life balance and strategies for hitting the sweet spot between productivity and sanity. A big way to prioritize the life side of the equation is a commitment to unplugging. Unplugging may take many forms. Today, we will focus on two ways you can set healthy boundaries.

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That Gives Me the Yucks: Creating Social Media Content
Angela Hall Angela Hall

That Gives Me the Yucks: Creating Social Media Content

This month, we are focusing on identifying goals for the new year and how to make that $h!t happen. Today, we are tacking social media, and if the thought of creating content and putting it out there gives you the heebie jeebies, you aren't alone.

Social Media is here to stay and can be HUGE in building your business. Here are a couple tips to get you headed in the right direction.

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Empowerment Geek
Amy Esp Amy Esp

Empowerment Geek

I didn't fall into bookkeeping naturally and effortlessly as if it was always meant to be. I was always a good student but didn't excel in math. My initial career path centered around marketing and program management for non-profit and for-profit businesses. My work was definitely data driven, but in a much softer, more nebulous way.

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