Empowerment Geek

I didn't fall into bookkeeping naturally and effortlessly as if it was always meant to be. I was always a good student but didn't excel in math. My initial career path centered around marketing and program management for non-profit and for-profit businesses. My work was definitely data driven, but in a much softer, more nebulous way. After working on my own personal finances, post-divorce and starting a couple of small businesses myself, I started to get excited about the way that financial knowledge and clarity led to empowered choices and growth. At some point I realized that what I really loved was helping other people maximize their own potential and one path to doing that was through finances. I'm not a numbers nerd. I'm an empowerment geek.

Being able to map a clients arc of growth through a well organized profit & loss or catch problematic financial trends before they get out of hand gets me way more excited then it should. So no, I don't sit around all day daydreaming about spreadsheets, but I do spend a lot of time thinking about how by providing good financials I can help my clients kick ass in the future and build the best possible life and business they can.


Buy. The. Damn. Hot. Tub.


Do I need a CPA or a bookkeeper?