Unplug: How to set healthy boundaries and enjoy your real life.
This month, we are focusing on work-life balance and strategies for hitting the sweet spot between productivity and sanity. A big way to prioritize the life side of the equation is a commitment to unplugging. Unplugging may take many forms. Today, we will focus on two ways you can set healthy boundaries.
First, establish a "quitting time" and commit to stepping into civilian mode at a certain hour. Shut off the computer, stop checking your email, and hang the cape in the closet. You can be Super Entrepreneur tomorrow, it's time to focus on yourself and your family. If you work from home, you may even consider moving your home office to another part of the house and closing up shop, so to speak, so you aren't tempted to do "just one more" task.
Second, step away from your phone, computer, TV or anything else that pulls your attention. Resist the urge to get lost in in social media or other fun time wasters (lookin' at you, Tik Tok!). Doing things you love like reading, writing, quality family time, or investing in a hobby or club is something that makes you a happier and more well-rounded person. Don't you DARE feel guilty about investing in yourself.
You can't pour from an empty cup, folks. Remember to take care of yourself and you will be a much happier and more productive business owner, boss, friend and family member. Hit that reset button every day!