Friendship was easier when we were kids.
While trying to organize a party earlier this year, I had a strange realization.
Geographically speaking, I have no friends.
While I have a diverse network of wonderful individuals that I talk to regularly and can count on to support me and give me great advice, I have very few of them that live in a radius that doesn’t require planning a month ahead in order to be in the same physical space.
While I absolutely subscribe to the “quality over quantity” mindset, it certainly would be nice to be able to say “hey…wanna go to a movie” without requiring a full tank of gas and an act of congress to it pull off.
When I was 20, I met people at school or my crappy retail job or out at a bar. Now that I’m (ahem) older than 20, life looks a lot different. I mean…have you tried to make a new friend lately? It’s hard, especially as a single parent who works from home.
So, what have I done about it? I switched my bumble app from “dating” to BFF (not like the dating side was doing me much good anyway IYKYK).
I also made more of an effort to show up for community events and social opportunities.
I chatted with more strangers, including complimenting people out loud rather than just thinking “her outfit is cute” in my head. (This is my favorite one. It really feels lovely to see someone’s face light up with appreciation).
NOTE: What didn’t work–going up to someone and asking if she wants to play mermaids. Worked great at the pool when I was 8 years old, now it just seems creepy.
Now, I wish I could wrap this all up in a bow and say that I made a million friends, the end, but that’s not the case. Truth is, it’s still a work in progress but I’m calling this a success anyway, because there is success in the effort.
But seriously…does anyone want to go to the movies with me?