Recently, the whole Missoula Bookkeeper team sat down to talk about our own successes and failures for the podcast. As we were talking beforehand, we all came up with a dump truck of things we felt we could have done better and projects we didn’t complete. Budgets not met, pounds not lost, deadlines long passed without payoff…and then something interesting happened.
We called out each other’s successes–things we had totally missed in our own minds that everyone else had noted and admired.
However you feel about your own accomplishments this year, please take this as a sign. You may feel like you fell short of your own expectations, but someone else thinks you knocked it out of the park. You may be marking yourself down as a C-, but I guarantee your friends, family, coworkers, neighbors and complete strangers wonder how you manage to be so awesome. Be that person to yourself. Take a moment (yes, right NOW) to congratulate yourself on your wins.
I bet you handled a conflict better than old you would have.
Did you juggle career, kids and a personal life at the same time? Rockstar!
Did you take even one opportunity to prioritize your physical and mental health? Fantastic!
If you enjoyed one moment of pure joy this year, that is a huge win. You are AMAZING, and we are so proud of you!