I love talking about money (unless it’s mine).

I love talking to people about money. Reports & budgets & planning strategy are so fun. I think it’s really interesting & exciting to figure out just the right way to organize a system for saving & spending & just how differently that shakes for the individual needs of the client.

I love talking about money…unless it’s MY money.

If you have ever been in a position to disclose your finances to someone (getting a loan, in court, to a new partner,etc) you definitely know why I say that. You’re worried that you are being judged about how much you make, how much you spend & on what. The debt you’re carrying around feels like a scarlet letter & you are pretty much positive everyone in the history of time has done a better job managing their money than you have. Here are some pearls of wisdom that applies to your small business finances AS WELL AS your personal finances:

It’s not nearly as bad as you think

We have seen some messy stuff. Once, a client accidentally deleted a year’s worth of stuff at 3pm on tax day and yes, I cried. But even in the worst case scenario, it’s all figureoutable. As they say, unless you’re a sniper, on the bomb squad, it ain’t that serious.

Things don't get better until you face them

Ever notice that your car doesn’t stop making a weird noise if you turn up the radio? Unfortunately, your bank account is like that too. In order to get things running smoothly, you have to get under the hood and check it out. I promise that taking care of it will result in a sense of relief that is so much greater than the shame and dread you are carrying.

We can figure it out–together

I don’t have my shit together and you don’t have to either. My job is to help you make a plan and keep you on track. I live in a glass house, baby. I promise you will get zero judgment or scolding from me.

Embracing vulnerability and dealing with your finances is a significant step towards stability and personal empowerment. Getting help from a professional can keep you accountable, give you encouragement and help you see past your blind spots. If you are ready to talk about money, we are ready to listen. Just go to the link in our bio to schedule a consultation!


How this bookkeeper handles her personal finances.


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