Signs You Need a Bookkeeper…

Small business owners often start off wearing all of the hats. And that makes sense. But as you grow, you will hit the point where its time to bring on a team, including a bookkeeper, to keep things moving forward. If you're not sure if its time for bookkeeping help, read on for signs that you are ready.

~ You can't remember the last time you logged into your accounting system. Its easy to back burner work that isn't revenue generating or driven by client deadlines. And bookkeeping is definitely one of those tasks. If you find yourself continually putting it off, its time to bring in someone to keep everything up to date so you can see where your business is really at on a monthly basis at least.
~ You spend most of the first week of April, crying in a pile of receipts and bank statements each year. This is directly related to the first point. If you put it off too long, the last minute scramble to file your taxes can leave you overwhelmed and frustrated. Not to mention, doing it at the last minute means you are more likely to miss important write offs or make a mistake in your filing.
~ Your time is better spent doing what you do best. Whether its taking amazing photos, building beautiful houses or keeping our community healthy, you didn't start a business to do paperwork and bookkeeping. When you first start out, you usually have time on your hands so it makes sense. However, as you grow, you waste time you could be making money, bringing in new clients or honing your skills, when you are stuck doing work that could be outsourced. I definitely look at things differently now that I am self employed. Sure I could spend 5 hours trying to fix the stupid plumbing under my sink, or I could call my favorite plumber and spend 3 hours doing work that gets me paid so I can pay him to do the dirty work. And when you do, you're supporting another hard working small business, which just feels great.

There are definitely other signs that you might be ready, but these are definitely the most common that I see. If you're not sure if you should take the leap, sign up for a free 30 minute consult on our website and we can talk through your options! (link to the website or maybe right to the book a consult form?)


I am so embarassed…