I’m Still Mad About the Turtleneck.
Angela Hall Angela Hall

I’m Still Mad About the Turtleneck.

Controversial opinion: There is no such thing as "too old" to trick or treat. It's a harsh world, and if a kid wants to hang on to that last glimmer of childhood magic, we should let them.

The same kinda goes for you.

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Pros and Cons for giving kids and allowance.
Angela Hall Angela Hall

Pros and Cons for giving kids and allowance.

Statistics show that MOST parents give their children some sort of allowance AND that it is often tied to performing certain household chores, but did you know that there are some pretty solid arguments for NOT being an “allowance household”? Let’s run them down

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Before we begin…
Angela Hall Angela Hall

Before we begin…

This month, we are going to talk about teaching your kids about money and I want to start by making something super clear: You don’t have to have it all figured out. I know, I know…you want to sit down with your kids and show them that you’re a shining example of financial excellence, who has a flawless budget and zero debt. You aren't. You don’t. And that is JUST FINE.

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Teaching your kids about money.
Amy Esp Amy Esp

Teaching your kids about money.

Last spring, my 12 year old came to me to discuss how he could make a little extra cash.

At first we talked about the usual chores: yard, pets, cleaning

But then we started to talk about how he could help me track the family finances and budget. He loves math and has a head for numbers. Plus he’s come of age during the online school of COVID, so he felt really comfortable with computer work and navigating the software. I’ve had a personal Quickbooks account for a few years, but I am terrible at the upkeep (cobbler’s kid has no shoes and all that).  

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Wrapping the year up in a neat bow (stuff to think about in Q4)
Amy Esp Amy Esp

Wrapping the year up in a neat bow (stuff to think about in Q4)

As we cruise into fall, it's time to start thinking about the end of the year. I know, I know, it's early, but if you start now, your holidays will be chill and tax season will be breezy.  I am a classic procrastinator. I literally just worked with my CPA to get my own taxes filed for 2023 after an extension, barely sliding under the wire for the S-Corp deadline. This year, my books are up to date, but there have been year’s where they definitely were not until well into the following year (0/10 do not recommend for both stress and understanding your business).  We also work with dozens of businesses and nonprofits and I know how much better it feels when you have all of your ducks in a row. Not to mention how much better your business functions when you have up to date information to make well-informed decisions. This month, we are giving you the run down of everything you should do or think about before that clock strikes midnight on December 31st.

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Values Statement: what it is, why you want one, how to write it.
Angela Hall Angela Hall

Values Statement: what it is, why you want one, how to write it.

You’ve probably heard the term “Mission Statement” and maybe your business even has one. But have you heard of a “Values Statement”?

While a mission statement outlines the purpose and goals of a business, a values statement defines what’s important to your business and by extension, its employees. A values statement can be used to remind you what your guiding principles are, which in turn can help you make day-to-day decisions. It’s sort of the “touch grass and take a deep breath” tool to help you when you feel overwhelmed by what decision to make.

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